MCL - 368-1978-15-171.

Act 368 of 1978
PART 171.
Document Type Description
Section 333.17101 Section Definitions; principles of construction.
Section 333.17103 Section Use of titles, words, or initials.
Section 333.17105 Section Practice of midwifery; license required; additional exemptions.
Section 333.17107 Section Transfer of care to physician or hospital; protocol.
Section 333.17109 Section Informed consent.
Section 333.17110 Section Liability of health care worker for act or omission of midwife.
Section 333.17111 Section Midwife; prohibited acts; administration of prescription drugs or medications; rules.
Section 333.17112 Section Obtaining supplies and devices, ordering and obtaining screening tests, and receiving reports of test results; classification as normal pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum period, or newborn period; rules; findings.
Section 333.17113 Section Michigan board of licensed midwifery; creation; membership; terms.
Section 333.17115 Section Licensure; requirements; credential.
Section 333.17116 Section Nonrenewable temporary license; term; failure to comply with requirements; application fee for initial license.
Section 333.17117 Section Rules.
Section 333.17119 Section Individual licensed in another state; requirements.
Section 333.17121 Section Initial or renewal licenses; term.
Section 333.17123 Section Third party reimbursement or worker's compensation benefits.