Our Programs

We are committed to improving the educational, social, and economic livelihood of the community.

The "U-Can Family Learning Program" is designed to improve the literacy and life skills of all individuals who participate in thed program, and is designed to for children grades K-6, Teens and Adults. The following are the components of the program.

The U-CAN Family Learning Program

English as a Second Language

Provides English development classes for our non-English speaking for greater job opportunities and socialization in the culture

Educational Skills Development (for Children and Teens)

Provides basic skills development in Reading, Science, Math, and Language Arts to children in grades K-12. The class also assists in equipping students for improved performance on state required standardized test. Each student is assessed to determine their reading and math grade level and placed in the appropriate learning area. Parent conferences are scheduled twice per year to inform the parents of the progress or areas of concern for each student.

Adult Reading and Writing Program

This course is designed to assist adult learners in developing or strengthening the reading ability and assist in the improvement in their reading and writing skills.

GED Preparation

This course offers a review of basic skills and preparation for testing, and assists each student in developing the skills necessary to obtain their diploma.

Computer Literacy Program

This class teaches the basics of computer operating. It is designed for beginner users and advanced users who wish to improve their skills for greater employability. The computer is also used to assist GED students and ESL students in their studies and development.

Community Food Assistance Program

  • Vital Impact Food Bank - In partnership with the North Texas Food Bank, we assist in providing a temporary supply of food for to needy families with little or no income on a once a month basis who live in the designated zip code area.
  • Vision Food-Share - In partnership with grocery store providers, we offer groceries purchased in bulk form for the benefit of individuals on fixed income, senior adults, single families and families in the church and community at a minimal cost, to assist individuals in directing their recourses to their living expenses.