Pesticide License Exams

What do you need today?

Exams and Study Materials

For more information, call toll-free: (877)301-4555 or email

Prepare for pesticide exams

Review testing policies and what to expect for testing sessions.

Exam Registration Request

Request registration for an exam session using this online request form.

Exam locations and directions

View list of all WSDA testing sites, hours, and directions.

Exam Results Available Online

Pass/fail exam results are available online for a limited time.

Study Manuals and Pre-license Classes

WSU Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education

WSU maintains study manuals for most WSDA exams and conducts statewide pre-license courses in English. 

Spanish Private Applicator Pre-license Classes

The WSDA Technical Service & Education (TSE) Program conducts statewide private applicator pre-license courses in Spanish every year.

Other Study Materials

Taking Exams

  • WSDA does not permit walk-ins. Reservations are required and can be made by calling WSDA toll-free at 877-301-4555 or email
  • You may not make changes or additions to exam rosters after 12:00pm Pacific time on the business day before the exam session. Holidays are not considered business days. Please plan accordingly.
  • No employer may reserve more than five spots per testing date.
  • ​WSDA reserves the right to deny entry to late arrivals.
  • You must be 18 years of age to apply for a license and take exams.
  • You must bring your photo ID and pay all fees at the time of testing.
    • You will not be allowed to test without a government-issued ID verifying your identity, including photo, full name, and birthdate.
    • You will not be allowed to test without payment of required fees.
  • After a second, third, or fourth failure of any exam, there is a mandatory 14-day waiting period before you may retest. After the fifth failure, you must wait 60 days before retesting.
  • If WSDA revises or develops an exam, all affected licensees may be required to retest.
  • Removing or being in possession of all or a part of a WSDA exam is prohibited.
  • Payment must be made with check or money order only. Money orders can be obtained from places like the US Postal Service, Safeway, Walmart, or similar businesses.

Additional Resources

Reciprocal licensing allows those with a pesticide license from some other states to become licensed without having to take Washington State exams. See the Reciprocal Pesticide Licenses page for more information. 
If you intend to use or consult on the use of pesticides for mosquito control, there are specific licensing requirements. Refer to the following fact sheet for guidance.

Pesticide Licensing for Professional Mosquito Control [PDF]

Do you only need the Private Applicator license to control weeds and/or rodents in limited situations in eastern Washington? You may qualify for a Limited Private Applicator (LPA) or Rancher Private Applicator (RPA) license.

Check out the Limited and Rancher Private Applicator webpage for further guidance.

Growers who use pesticides in the production of marijuana in Washington State must comply with specific licensing requirements. To help growers understand these licensing requirements, WSDA prepared a guidance document: Licensing Requirements to Apply Pesticides Used in Marijuana Production in Washington State

Additional information on other requirements on the production of recreational marijuana can be found on the agency's Recreational Marijuana webpage.