Grand River Streetscape Project


Grand River Streetscape New Layout

Project Details

MDOT in partnership with the City of Detroit, has resurfaced and provided streetscape improvements to approximately 2.8 miles of the road. The goals of this project included improving mobility by implementing traffic calming measures and strengthening foot traffic for existing and new businesses.

What Changes happened?

This project included road resurfacing, water main work through DWSD, two-way cycle track, improved on street parking, pedestrian islands, mid-block crossings, landscaping, new signalized intersections, and bus islands.

Why Were These Changes Made in the Streetscape Nodes?

The goal of a streetscape project is to achieve a beautiful corridor where neighborhood businesses can thrive and where people feel safe and welcomed. The improvements will better support all forms of transportation including walking, biking, riding transit and taking a car.

GRAND RIVER - NORTHWEST Neighborhood planning framework link here.