PHLpreK student Oliviah is 3 and attends Spring Garden Academy – Spring Garden. She loves corn, squash, and bananas! Her mom, Denise Pickard, says Oliviah’s healthy food preferences are thanks to her pre-K center’s lunch program. Healthy lunches are one of many things Oliviah and her family love about the City’s free, quality pre-K program!

“Children mimic what they’re seeing,” said Denise. “PHLpreK is introducing her to new things, and they’re teaching me how to introduce her to new things as well.”

As for what she is learning, Denise is proud that Oliviah knows her numbers and alphabet. She’s also proud that her daughter knows how to identify things she sees in the neighborhood – like fire trucks! “I’m impressed with the curriculum. I couldn’t teach her all of this on my own,” said Denise.

And Oliviah couldn’t be more happy at her center. “Her teachers work together. If one teacher can’t reach her with a lesson they’ll tag team it, and make sure she learns. I like that they all work together. Every single teacher at Spring Garden Academy has helped her in some way, shape, or form.”

Denise chose Spring Garden Academy because she had heard about the center’s quality, and wanted that for her daughter. “I grew up in the same neighborhood and went to a learning center around the corner,” said Denise. When she visited the school, she learned about the center’s partnership with PHLpreK. The option of free enrollment made Denise’s dream of sending Oliviah to a great pre-K possible.

“Without PHLpreK, Oliviah might not be in school right now,” said Denise. “Thanks to PHLpreK, I’m saving money because I don’t have to worry about tuition. I’m not worried about paying my rent, for my car, or other necessary things, and I’m saving for her future. I’m grateful for that.”

“PHLpreK is not only a head start for children, but also parents,” said Denise. “I’m learning how to get her up on time and get her and I ready. I’d rather be doing that now than when she’s starting kindergarten.”

In addition, sending Oliviah to PHLpreK allowed Denise to return to work. Before connecting with Spring Garden Academy, Denise stayed home and taught Oliviah on her own. Denise recommends PHLpreK to all families and is eager to see the program continue to grow.

“I’m from North Philly, where we don’t always have opportunities that other people may have, and this is helping change that. Kids of all races and backgrounds have the opportunity to stay at speed with their peers thanks to PHLpreK.”

PHLpreK, the City of Philadelphia’s free, quality pre-K program, kicked off its third year with 2,000 students enrolled in 80+ centers throughout the city. Since then 250 additional seats have been added, and the program will grow to 5,500 seats by September 2022.

Is your child 3 or 4 as of September 1? The City’s FREE quality pre-K program is now enrolling for the 2018-2019 academic year! Visit or call 844-745-7735 to learn more and find provider!