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School Programs and Sites

By completing this survey as accurately as possible, you are contributing critical information about the importance of arts education and the significant value it has as a core learning experience for all students. This information is of vital interest to the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) and your PCA regional Partner. Please take the time to complete fully and return promptly.

Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. Name:

Question Title

* 3. Position:

Question Title

* 4. Phone #:

Question Title

* 5. Email:

Question Title

* 6. School:

Question Title

* 7. School Address:

Question Title

* 8. Teaching Artist Name:

Question Title

* 9. Art Form:

Question Title

* 10. Dates of Residency:

Question Title

* 11. Number of Residency Days:

Question Title

* 12. Grade Level(s) Served:

Question Title

* 13. Number of Core Groups Served:

Question Title

* 14. Total Number of Core Group Participants:

Question Title

* 15. Total Number of Individuals Served:
(include: core groups participants, other students, teachers, parents, school staff, community members)

Question Title

* 16. PCA Regional AIE Partner:

Question Title

* 17. Please use the scale below to rate the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Participation in the AIR program increased teachers’ appreciation of the arts.
Participation in the AIE program increased teachers’ appreciation of the benefit of arts in education.
Participation in the AIR program increased teachers’ knowledge of how to integrate the arts with academic content.
Teachers acquired new techniques to use in the classroom.
Participation in the AIR program fostered collaboration between the teaching artist and teachers.
Participation in the AIR program fostered collaboration between the teaching artist and students.
Participation in the AIR program increased students’ appreciation of the arts.
Participation in the AIR program enabled us to engage all students.
Participation in the AIR program enhanced students’ problem-solving abilities.
Engagement in the AIR program enabled students to exercise their creativity.
Engagement in the AIR program enhanced students’ ability to make artistic decisions based upon anticipated consequences.
Participation in the AIR program fostered collaboration among our students.
Participation in the AIR program enhanced our students’ self-esteem.
The AIR program enabled our students to discover new talents.
Participation in the AIR program improved classroom behavior.
Engagement in the AIR program enhanced students’ ability to meet established short and long-term goals.
Our AIR residency achieved its stated goals and objectives.
The AIR program enhanced our school culture.
Participation in the AIR program increased my awareness of the benefits of arts education.
I would recommend participation in the AIR program to my peers.
I’m willing to host additional AIR programs.

Question Title

* 18. Additional Comments:

0 of 18 answered