Provide start date for job

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Issue description: It should be possible to provide the start date for a job (see issue 1829 point 10)

Discussion: mail list May 2019, thread on Job start date.

  • Create a new property jobStartDate for specific dates and a property to provide a boolean indicator for when the position is available for an immediate start.
  • The definitions try to steer people away from using text values, though we acknowledge that people will sometimes want to express nuances that cannot be expressed using ISO 8601 Date format.


Status: accepted into release 3.8 July 2019, see issue #2244 (implemented in PR #2247).


Definition: The date on which a successful applicant for this job would be expected to start work. Choose a specific date in the future or use the jobImmediateStart property to indicate the position is to be filled as soon as possible.
Expected type: ISO 8601 Date Text


Defintion: An indicator as to whether a position is available for an immediate start.
Expected type: Boolean